For Authors
you are welcome

substantial & Friendly
Who can attend?

Anybody, regardless of age, education, job, etc., anyone who registers the touch and impressions of the world around them in a visual form and wants to share their experience with others. The world of the human and the more-than-human Anthropocene. A world of the everyday and the festivities as classically understood and considered by ethnography/ethnology/anthropology and a world that escapes the traditional semantic scopes of these terms.
What can be presented?
Documentary films of any length, concerning any subject regardless of the year of production, any material which is the result of field research, understood very broadly, both produced in real as well as metaphorical terrain. Ethnographic/ethnological/anthropological films and movies on the borderline of genre. We will allow raw footage material to be submitted as well.
The film must be subtitled in English – unless it is an English-language film. For English-language films, we encourage you to add of subtitles – this will allow for a facilitatation of a strongly international audience.
Films included in the programme, made available with open access, will – after the festival – be included in the KRATFEST Film Archive, which can be accessed via the website: Films that are not available with open access, and the filmmakers/producers do not want them to be available in AFK, will not be included on the website.
What is the purpose?
In line with the idea of ethnological/anthropological film that guide KRATFEST – ethnological/anthropological film serves a broadly educational purpose that is pursued in view of the problem addressed and for audiences regardless of their economical situation, place of residence, family situation, physical and intellectual prowess, professed views, etc. Consequently, KRATFEST is a NON-COMMERCIAL festival. The films included in the festival programme show sensitive, but often unseen or silent, issues and are broadcast for educational purposes only. No royalties are paid for the release of the film, neither to the filmmakers nor to the producers. The criterion for the selection of films is the theme, problem, issue, phenomenon etc. taken up in the production itself. The artistry of the message, the beauty of the shots, the sublime editing, etc. play a secondary role. Discussions are held about each film whose director/creator is present during the festival. Education, knowledge, development, community, friendship – It is difficult at KRATFEST to remain anonymous. It is difficult to arrive and leave unnoticed😊.
How shall it be presented?

The film/documentary/movie must be submitted by the 18th June 2024 by completing the online Entry Form avialable under the button „SUBMIT YOUR FILM”. The film/documentry/movie should be sent as a link (YouTube, Vimeo etc.) or by WeTransfer/Link to Your Cloud. Should there be a password necessary to acces the content, please provide us with the details to give us access to the film/documentary/movie.
What is next?

As the Organisers, we will provide accommodation and food for the duration of the festival, including accomodation for the night before the festival starts when it comes to filmmakers who are taking part in the festival programme. For example, the 13th KRATFEST 2024 will take place from the 9th-11th October 2024. This means that hotel accommodation and food will be provided for the filmmakers of the selected films who come to Kratovo taking into acoount the following time spans:
8th/9th October 2024, accommodation, no meals included.
9th/10th October 2024, accommodation, breakfast, banquet, dinner
10th/11th October 2024, accommodation, breakfast, dinner
11th October 2024, breakfast, lunch, departure from Kratovo
Not sure?
If You are not sure whether Your Film suits to KRATFEST or You are afraid of travelling so far away or…. whatever… Watch the KRATFEST videodocumentation made by Krasimima Doneva and decide. We are sure it will help You 🙂
Send your questions, thoughts, doubts: